Enhance your experience at RIMS with Brokerslink events!
Step into a world of opportunities at the traditional Brokerslink Breakfast and Cocktail! With 62 attendees already confirmed for the Breakfast and 87 for the Cocktail, in total representing 25 nations, these events are designed to foster new connections and active engagement. Network with your peers, unlock potential opportunities and stimulate growth.
Take a moment to explore the list of attendees and see who’s joining the Brokerslink events at RIMS:
You’re attending RIMS, but your name isn’t on the lists?
The time to act is now – confirm your attendance at both events to ensure your spot. Complete your registration below:
Share this invite with your company colleagues too.
Maximize your RIMS experience by booking meetings and connecting
Make the most out of your time at the event by booking meetings and connecting with fellow attendees. The Brokerslink booth (#2037) is your space too! Utilize this dedicated location to hold meetings and foster new partnerships.
Looking forward to seeing you in San Diego!